
Välkommen till en butik som haft eko- och vegotänk sedan den startade 1995. Alla våra varor är ekologiska eller på annat sätt hälso- och miljövänliga.

Regular opening hours :

Onsdag-Fredag 10-18, Lördag 10-16. (Kan eventuellt öppna vid behov annan tid, du kan fråga på sms/tel 070-9163758)

ÖPPET 1:A MAJ: 10-16 (resten av veckan som vanligt)

We pre-advertise on Facebook and here on the website in case of temporary deviations in the opening hours.

If it is important for you to shop outside regular opening hours, you can try contacting 070-916 37 58 (Henrik), and we'll see if we can sort it out. It is also possible to order via the online store (see below) (email: skarvaekobutik@gmail.com) and place an order that we collect and you can pick up when it suits you and pay with Swish + 10-30:- "service money" depending on how big it is.

Phone (store opening hours): 0455-45622;

Phone other time, if important: 070-9163758

Online shop

Solsalen - course and conference room

Click here to go to our web shop

Our products

Our fairly extensive assortment consist of amongs other:

  • Vegetarian foods (of all kinds, including fresh vegetables and fruits, lactic acid, tofu products, cooking oils, dried beans, rice, nuts, seeds, spices, oats of "all" kinds, "smoothie powder", juices, sweets, etc. ),sv
  • Kosttillskott och naturmedel
  • Mer naturliga kroppsvårds- och hygienprodukter
  • Some e-books

We take home goods from many different suppliers and if you find something at one of our suppliers that we do not have at home, it is usually good to order it. See (not completely updated) the list of our suppliers.