
Life is in constant development and movement, so is Skarva. We mention here a little what is going on. Through people's contributions – ideas, work, financial resources – Skärva develops as a place and business. Welcome to participate!

  • Develop local nature conservation management. Efter år av gott samspel med Länsstyrelsen i skötseln av Skärva naturreservat, har länsstyrelsens naturvårdsbudget nu beskurits så kraftigt att deras pengar inte räcker till att sköta Blekinges naturreservat fullgott. Vi vill inte slåss om de få pengar som finns, utan försöker utveckla lokal finansiering. Sju fågelpromenader under våren 2023 har inbringat ca 3.000:-. Vid årets slut redovisar vi inflöde och användning av alla pengar.
  • our guesthouse. Lay a flat grass surface suitable for camping and playing on… Create a cultivation area and plant edible plants. Lead the rainwater from the house. on part of a field belonging to the farm, where the middle part was once, before the time of the excavations, a marsh. Recreating a wetland enriches biological life, it also gives the water an opportunity to sink and replenish the groundwater, affects the local climate and becomes a resource for irrigation. Right next to it, there is a sandy southern slope that is interesting for creating horticultural crops.
  • Life is constantly evolving and moving, so and Shard. We mention here a little what is going on. med mål att ta till vara de stora mängderna vatten från ladtaken (ca 1000 kvm) till bevattning i odlingar, för att spola i toaletter och för miljöskapande till glädje bl a för olika djur.. Vi har börjat sätta takrännor på ladorna och gräva ned rör, men en del återstår + att anlägga en damm.
  • Life is constantly evolving and moving, so and Shard. We mention here a little what is going on. our guesthouse. Lay a flat grass surface suitable for camping and playing on… Create a cultivation area and plant edible plants. Lead the rainwater from the house.
  • our guesthouse. Lay a flat grass surface suitable for camping and playing on… Create a cultivation area and plant edible plants. Lead the rainwater from the house. our guesthouse. Lay a flat grass surface suitable for camping and playing on… Create a cultivation area and plant edible plants. Lead the rainwater from the house.
  • Correct deficiencies in the building frame of the barns (Change some supporting "posts", reinforce some trusses, etc.)
  • Facilitate accounting and administration and gear economy completely transparent.

Do you want to participate? Contact us at or 070-9163758. Do you want to contribute financially? Swish 0709163758 "Henrik W" or plusgiro 6228690-1 "Vivo Nova". Write what you want to contribute to.