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Curious about Martinus' spiritual science?

19 July, 2020 - 31 July, 2020

Curious about Martinus' spiritual science?

Week 30 and week 31 are an opportunity to get to know more about Martinus' worldview at Skärva Gård. All interested are welcome, both new curious and old in the game. There are independent lectures almost every day and it is possible to participate in a study group (five meetings Mon-Fri). It all happens in collaboration with Martinus Center in Klint, Denmark. (For more info about Martinus see e.g. https://www.martinus.dk/sv/startsida/ )

Week 31

THEME: “MEANING OF LIFE” Att finna meningen med livet har en avgörande betydelse för vårt välbefinnande. Meningen kan för tillfället finnas i arbete, familjeliv eller intressen. Men när vi möter utmaningar, vare sig det är i privatlivet, i samhället eller i världssituationen, är det en källa till livsmod och inre styrka att se en mening med själva livet och inte minst med lidandet. I den världsbild som Martinus presenterar för oss har allt en mening, också de stora omvälvningarna som nu sker i det lokala såväl som det globala samhället.

The plan is to show the three morning lectures that are in Swedish and four evening lectures that are in English. If there is enough interest, we can run study group as week 30, or some of the videos as desired. Opportunity for accommodation is available.

Swedish lecture at 9.30:

Monday 27 July: Life - a collaboration between three cosmos. Rune Östensson

Wednesday 29 July: Parenting joy and creative joy. Anne Külper

Friday, July 31: If love is the answer? Karin Jansson

English lecture at 19.00:

Söndag 26 juli: The Divine Something in Everything and Everyone. Mary McGovern

Monday, July 27: Understanding the Signs of Our Times. Karin Jansson

Tuesday 28 July: Film screening "The Life-Changing Cosmology" by Gunnar Fernlund with English speech and Swedish text.

Wednesday, July 29: Walking Your Own Cosmic Path. Pernilla Rosell

Thursday, July 30: The Inner Temple. Anne Külper


All lectures are shown in the new Solsalen, which is located next to the eco-shop. It is possible to attend individual lectures or attend all of them. Pre-registration is good so that we can present an adequate number of chairs at considerate distances - via email to info@skarvagard.se or text to 070-9163758. Optional payment SEK 1 - 100 per person and lecture.

It is also possible for participants to stay on the farm during these weeks. Accommodation and supper are then included for SEK 1200-1500 (Saturday evening to Saturday morning). Opportunity to have lunch at 13.30 every day is available, after pre-registration. Price 50-80 kr.

“WEEK 30”

LECTURE Sunday 19 - Friday 24 July at 9.30 about an hour, followed by a moment of conversation and a cup of tea. The lectures are in Swedish unless otherwise stated. We can choose to watch all Danish and Norwegian lectures with simultaneous interpretation into Swedish if many wish.

Topic: “The presence of the invisible world We perceive a physical world, but daily use an invisible world of electrical and magnetic forces in machines, mobile phones, computers, etc. Behind every movement there are invisible forces that control. In the cosmic worldview, our superconscious is the eternal source of power that sustains the body, emotions and thoughts. That is the original cause of our fate. This applies not only to us humans, but to all living things - the whole universe ”.

Sunday 19/7 "The universe - an ocean of light!" Rune Östensson (Swedish), Monday 20/7 “Threads of Fate” Karin Jansson (Swedish), Tuesday 21/7 "Where are the dead?" Ole Therkelsen (Danish), Wednesday 22/7Who leads the leaders? ” Edly Grape (norska), Thursday 23/7 “The healing power of thought” Anne Külper (Swedish), Friday 24/7 "To cooperate with an invisible power" Solveig Langkilde (Danish)


Monday-Friday 20-24 July, 11.30-13.00, those who wish meet in a study group "The world's current" where we talk about selected videos from a cosmic perspective, with the support of selected texts in a compendium (where we are happy to read today's episode in advance). Pre-registration is required. Cost SEK 2-200 per person.

The theme isIn a time of forced development“. År 2020 har startat med en Coronakris som enat världen i kampen mot ett virus. En kamp som samtidigt förlamat mycket av ekonomi, internationellt utbyte och sociala och kulturella sammankomster. Kontrasterna och polariseringen inom politik och kulturella värderingar har accentuerats och många väcks till eftertanke vad gäller värderingar om livets mening, miljöfrågor, relationen till djuren och vår hälsa. Många står i vår tid också i starka personliga kriser som direkt relaterar till kön, familjeliv, ensamhet och livsstil. Under veckan sätter vi in dessa frågor i en kosmisk belysning.

Videos: Monday Michael Greger on pandemics Tuesday Yuval Harari on the existential challenges of our time Onsdag Gender dysphoria and transsexuality Torsdag Mandefall (Mansfall) - about the crisis in the male role Fredag Vegetarism i Coronatider



19 July, 2020
31 July, 2020


Skärva 3
Karlskrona, Blekinge 371 91 Sverige
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